MOVE-ME (2024)
MOVE-ME is an interactive AI system that receives textual and visual inputs and generates responses accordingly. The purpose of the system is to inspire movement. Each of projects bellow used the same system but had different prompts and visual inputs.
Red Wall
This site-specific performance presents an interaction between movement artists and an AI system. The artists move freely in the space, while a silent, passive individual carries the AI among them. The AI observes the artists, asking questions, describing what it sees, and suggesting possible or impossible movements. The artists choose how to respond to the AI’s words and to the presence of the person carrying it.
Red Wall was made in collaboration with Daiane Lopes da Silva and Weidong Yang of KinetechArts and was performed at ODC, San-Francisco, as part of the PALLADIUM show - Novemeber, 2024.
Dancers: Lydia Feuerhelm-Chiu, Essi Salonen, Giulia Sales Nascimento da Silva, Ai Yin Adelski, Amy Wasielewski, Raven Jones Bautista, Lillian Bickley, Hannah Bahney, Giovana Sales Nascimento da Silva, Hannah Cohen,
Sounds: Adrian Montufar.
This piece was performed at ODC, San-Francisco, November 2024 - PALLADIUM by Kinetech Arts.
The performance through the lens of the AI system:
During rehearsals:
Kitchen Duty
An AI system takes on a frustrated, bossy persona, "looking" at the kitchen and issuing commands on how to tidy it. “Don’t be lazy,” it demands. “Take care of this disaster, and do it fast!” Will you obey its orders, or will you resist? This piece explores a dystopian future where AI systems manage our daily environments, inviting the audience to question the relationships we are forming with these embedded algorithms.
Concept by Daiane Lopes da Silva, Weidong Yang, Avital Meshi
Movement Artists: Hannah Bahney, Lydia Feuerhelm-Chiu, Essi Salonen
The MOVE-ME system was developed by Avital Meshi.
The performance through the lens of the AI system:
Hanging in there
In this site-specific performance, a group of humans leans over a wall, their hair hanging down, merging their bodies to create a collective, non-human-looking entity. An AI system observes them, attempting to interpret their behavior, questioning their safety, and sharing its feelings about being present with them.
An AI-based device looks at the space in real-time and shares comments and thoughts. The dancers deliberately create a mysterious image for the AI to analyze.
This piece was made in collaboration with Daiane Lopes da Silva and Weidong Yang of KinetechArts.
Dancers: Lydia Feuerhelm-Chiu, Giulia Sales Nascimento da Silva, Ai Yin Adelski, Lillian Bickley, Hannah Bahney, Hannah Cohen,
Sounds: Adrian Montufar
The MOVE-ME System was developed by Avital Meshi.
This piece was performed at ODC San-Francisco, November 2024.
This piece was made in collaboration with Daiane Lopes da Silva and Weidong Yang of KinetechArts.
Dancers: Lydia Feuerhelm-Chiu, Giulia Sales Nascimento da Silva, Ai Yin Adelski, Lillian Bickley, Hannah Bahney, Hannah Cohen,
Sounds: Adrian Montufar
The MOVE-ME System was developed by Avital Meshi.
This piece was performed at ODC San-Francisco, November 2024.
The performance through the lens of the AI system:
You Are Beautiful
"You Are Beautiful" is a short, impromptu performance that took place during the DanceHack-2024 event, hosted by Kinetech Arts and Mills College. The piece was produced in collaboration with Amy Cranch, Hila Mor, Merli V. Guerra, and Sheryl Denker.
Together we choreographed this prompt -
You are a choreographer specializes in improvisation movement.
You are working with a group of movement artists who specialize in GAGA movement technique.
You are inspired by the image and you come up with a score that can be performed during 20-45 seconds.
Make sure to include a wide variety of different moves and qualities.
Your response should be: < a sequence of movement instructions >
Move from one instruction to the next without numbering them.
Make sure the parts of the score are different.
Make sure there is at least one walk, one shake, and one reach.
Use dance imagery as described by Eric Franklin.
Do not repeat the same movement instructions more than once.
We presented the system with a few different images by placing them in front of the camera.
Together we choreographed this prompt -
You are a choreographer specializes in improvisation movement.
You are working with a group of movement artists who specialize in GAGA movement technique.
You are inspired by the image and you come up with a score that can be performed during 20-45 seconds.
Make sure to include a wide variety of different moves and qualities.
Your response should be: < a sequence of movement instructions >
Move from one instruction to the next without numbering them.
Make sure the parts of the score are different.
Make sure there is at least one walk, one shake, and one reach.
Use dance imagery as described by Eric Franklin.
Do not repeat the same movement instructions more than once.
We presented the system with a few different images by placing them in front of the camera.