Deconstructing Whiteness (2020)
Deconstructing Whiteness is an interactive performance with an AI recognition system which aims to examine the visibility of whiteness through the lens of AI technology. The piece reveals the underlying social constructs of whiteness and attempts to deconstruct it by utilizing a performative behavior.
Deconstructing Whiteness from Avital Meshi on Vimeo.
Related Exhibitions and Publications
ARTECH 2021 - Open Access Art Paper
CVPR 2021 - EC3V Workshop -Ethical Consideration in Creative Applications of Computer Vision, Paper and Oral Presentation
Visualizing Bias with Augmented Reality, Grey Area SF and Goethe Institute, 2021
Digital Rights are Civil Rights: Race and Technology, Institute for Aesthetic Advocacy, February 2021.
Digital America, Issue No. 16 , November 2020 - Read a response to the piece written by Que Peterson Here
Art and life in the age of Artificial Intelligence, SIGGRAPH ASIA 2020